
Marienkaefer 7Pt Schatten

The texts are far too small for me!

I am aware of the problem. But to accommodate as much information as possible at a glance, the text fields and the texts in them are relatively small. That's why a pop-up window opens when you enter the text, making it larger and easier to read. Of course, you can also use that just to read the details.

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Marienkaefer 7Pt Schatten

Why is the Timeline in the list by variety and not by genus?

This is easily explained: Because you do not have the possibility to indicate "Current", "Planned" etc. in the genres. This means that you will always see all genera in the list. For the varieties you can also only show the current varieties AND the bed. This means that you can see how the timeline looks for your raised bed only. This seemed more logical to me.

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